Building a mentoring relationship with a youth is very rewarding for both the kid and adult. 98% of our volunteers would recommend mentoring to a friend - because making a difference is as easy as enjoying life and making friends. Kids in the program are looking for direction. Spending quality time with a good role model creates a path to success.
Professional Case Mangers make mentoring so much easier. Your case manager is your friend and advocate - from training and matching with a youth to dealing with those 'growing up' issues that sometime arise. Partners staff plans incredible monthly activities designed to build relationships and make Partners' a community of support.
Being a mentor isn't about entertaining, spending money or doing someones homework. It's caring and sharing. Mentoring can be as easy as dinner and a board game or a hike and conversation. Mentors are listeners, advocates and role models. The only barriers to be a mentor is a background check and a desire to be a good friend.
Thanks for being a mentor for a local youth! We want to know what you thought of the process. Click below to access the Senior Partner Survey.
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Learn more about being a mentor and start your mentoring journey today!