Building a mentoring relationship with a youth is very rewarding for both the kid and adult. 98% of our volunteers would recommend mentoring to a friend - because making a difference is as easy as enjoying life and making friends. Kids in the program are looking for direction. Spending quality time with a good role model creates a path to success.
Professional Case Mangers make mentoring so much easier. Your case manager is your friend and advocate - from training and matching with a youth to dealing with those 'growing up' issues that sometime arise. Partners staff plans incredible monthly activities designed to build relationships and make Partners' a community of support.
Being a mentor isn't about entertaining, spending money or doing someones homework. It's caring and sharing. Mentoring can be as easy as dinner and a board game or a hike and conversation. Mentors are listeners, advocates and role models. The only barriers to be a mentor is a background check and a desire to be a good friend.
Partners provides tutoring services for enrolled youth. Tutoring typically takes place at our offices, but we can provide training, placement and support for volunteers in a school-based setting or other community locations.
Over the course of the year, Partners' facilitates more than three dozen activities and life skill trainings for enrolled youth. From rafting trips to art workshops, there is always an upcoming event to lend a hand. Activity volunteers sometimes share a particular skill or talent, but many just come to be part of the fun and help engage our youth participants.
Partners is led by a group of community-minded professionals who led a hand in many ways. Board terms are two years with an option for a second term. The board meets monthly to help guide the organization in fulfilling the mission and ensuring financial wellness.
Thanks for being a mentor for a local youth! We want to know what you thought of the process. Click below to access the Senior Partner Survey.
Learn more about being a mentor and start your mentoring journey today!